15 July 2011

Actually, Ruben...

"Do you remember the part of the Constitution where it says that people have the right to buy two or more automatic weapons within five days without law enforcement knowing anything about it?" Ruben Navarrette

Actually, Mr Navarrrette, I am more interested in seeing where you found the power granted to Congress to limit the number of purchases of any type of firearm.

I keep harping on this!

The US Constitution is a limiting document.  It spells out, exactly, what Congress is empowered to do.  Everything else is off limits.  If it doesn't say Congress has the power to limit the number of automatic weapons a citizen can purchase in five days it cannot.

The document, if you bother to read it, is rather clear on the topic.

The 9th and 10th Amendments reinforce this.

Just in case it's still muddy to you, the Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers are the author's notes of the Constitution.  Read those too.

The degenerate matter gorilla in the living room about the Constitution is that it's not written in code, it's in very plain english.  The modern problem has been and still is reading things into the text that are patently not there.

The one I am most familiar with is the twisting of the second amendment.  Trying to make the reason for the restriction on Congress a restriction on me is just flat wrong.

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