05 January 2013

Yup We're Boned

Bob Owens asks...

Paul Revere and the other dispatch riders that April morning were cogs in a communications machine that had 14,000 militiamen marching towards the Concord Road before the sun rose on April 19, 1775.
Six hours. 14,000 men.
I want you to think about that for a moment.
Let’s be honest with ourselves. How many people could we turn out, if we found out tonight at midnight, about a threat to liberty so dire that it must be met. How many people could you get to show up with you?
We all know the ‘get out the word’ advantages we have – iPhones, landline phones, payphones, laptops, netbooks, desktops, tablets, pagers, email, Facebook, Twitter, blogs, the World Wide Web, radio and Youtube channels.
How many of you could get 10,000 to show up?
How many of you could get 1,000?
OK, let’s make it real easy. How many of you could get 100 to show up? How many of you could get 10?
How do you measure the value of liberty to a society?
Do you measure it by the number of people who are willing to show up to defend it?

I don't think I could get even one.

Most of the people I might ask to come would demand such incontrovertible proof that it was happening that we'd be done for before I could convince them.

1 comment:

  1. The government would keep strict tabs on anyone they thought could turn out that many people on short notice. Radio talk show hosts might get turnout?
    My tin foil hat might be showing a little here, but this is a great time of year in much of the country for a power failure to wreak havoc with people's lives if they got too 'uppity.'


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