28 February 2013


I want the government and organizations that represent government workers banned from lobbying.

Government is supposed to be working for us on the jobs that we the people decide we want done.

They are not supposed to be dictating to us what jobs they will do or not or how.

That's our decision.

We decide what we want done.

We decide how we want it done.

We decide how much we'll pay to have it done.

It's time to remind them who's in charge, but I don't know how.

The petty little protest boycott of gun and gun accessory makers might do it.  Let them know that they're in it with us.

Sadly, it's the passive electorate that let this state of affairs take root and who does nothing to fix it.  It's made all the harder that the same sort or people we want to be rid of pick who we get to vote for for the most part.  It's always the lesser of two evils never a choice between good and bad.

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